Amarnath Yatra Registration Form PDF

Applications for the Amarnath Yatra have been started by the government. For which you can apply. Through this article, today we are providing information related to the Amarnath Yatra Application Form PDF.

Amarnath Yatra Registration Form PDF Download

The Amarnath Yatra will start from June 28 this year till August 22. For this, you have to register. To register for Amarnath Yatra you have to apply through designated branches of banks. For which you have to follow the following procedure

  • Amarnath Yatra registration is done on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • Registration in banks is started as per the time and date set by the government.
  • Registration is valid for one person only. Everyone must register separately to go with the family.
  • All bank branches are allotted a fixed per day / per route quota for registration
  • To register for Amarnath Yatra, the female applicant must be between 13 and 65 years of age.
  • Women with a pregnancy longer than six weeks are also not eligible to apply.
  • To register for the Amarnath Yatra, all applications must be submitted with a health certificate compulsorily.
  • You can get the application form for online registration and health certificate by SASB.
  • The list of institutions/doctors authorized to provide a health certificate for travel registration is constantly updated by the government
  • The application form for travel registration and CHC registration is provided free of charge by the branch.

Amarnath Yatra Registration Form

To apply for travel registration, you have to attach the following documents along with the application form

  • identity card
  • Health certificate
  • Four passport-size photos
  • Application letter

In the application form made by the registration application, the following checks:

  • Whether or not the application form is well filled.
  • The CHC certificate is issued by the doctor / medical institution.
  • Required documents are not attached to the application form

Permits will be issued by the Registration Officer only for Pahalgam Road and Baltal Marg.

Day Color of Yatra Permit for Pahalgam Route Colour of Yatra Permit for Baltal Route
Monday Lavender Lemon Chiffon
Tuesday Pink Lace Blue
Wednesday Beige Honeydew
Thursday Peach Lavender
Friday Lemon Chiffon Pink Lace
Saturday Blue Beige
Sunday Honeydew Peach

It is mandatory for the Registration Officer to enter the following details before issuing the travel permit to the applicant.

  • Date of issuance of travel permit.
  • The serial number of the travel permit.
  • Name, address, and telephone / mobile number of the applicant.
  • Applicant’s family name to contact in case of any emergency.
  • Path of pilgrimage.
  • Trip date from Baltal / Pahalgam

You can easily download the Amarnath Yatra Registration Application Form PDF from the link given below.

Click Here For:- download the Amarnath Yatra Registration Application Form PDF

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