
Jammu Kashmir Old Age Pension Form PDF

जम्मू कश्मीर सरकार ने बुजुर्ग नागरिकों के लिए वृद्धावस्था पेंशन योजना शुरू की है। इस योजना के माध्यम से सरकार राज्य के नागरिकों को प्रति माह आर्थिक सहायता के रूप में 1000 रुपए की पेंशन प्रदान करती है। J&K Old …

Kerala Transgender Scholarship Scheme Application Form PDF

The Kerala State Government has launched the Kerala Transgender Scholarship Scheme for the education of the transgender community of the state. Under the scheme, scholarships will be provided to transgender students in self-financed schools by the state government from 7th …

Regularization of Encroachment In Government land Form PDF

Andhra Pradesh you can get an application form for the Regularization of encroachment of government land application form from Meeseva center or download it online. The pdf link for the application is given below. In this, you need to fill …

Delhi Police Tenant Verification Form PDF

Police verification of tenants is now necessary. If you do not get the police verification of the tenant and something happens, then the owner will be responsible for it. Recently someone rented his house and did not get the tenant …

MP Marriage Certificate Form PDF Download

महिलाओं के अधिकार को सुरक्षित करने के लिए, मध्य प्रदेश सरकार ने विवाह पंजीकरण करवाना आवश्यक कर दिया है। समाज में कई बार देखा गया कि शादी के बाद पति महिला को घर से बहार निकाल देता है। जिसके बाद, …

[PDF] Manipur Birth Certificate Form Download

Today we are providing you information about the Manipur Birth Certificate. The government has now simplified the process of birth certificate application for the citizens of its state. Now you can get a birth certificate without any problem. You all …

हिमाचल बंदूक लाइसेंस आवेदन PDF Form | Arms license HP

हिमाचल प्रदेश सरकार अपने राज्य के 21 वर्ष की आयु से अधिक उम्र के व्यक्ति को गन लाइसेंस या आर्म्स लाइसेंस (Arms License) प्रदान करती है। बंदूक लाइसेंस का लाइसेंस उस व्यक्ति को दिया जाता है। जिसका कोई आपराधिक रिकॉर्ड …

Kerala Police Sathyavangmoolam Form PDF in English, Malayalam

The government has extended the lockdown period across the country. During this time only those providing essential services are allowed to travel. Many states of the country have provided the facility to apply online for an e-pass or curfew pass …

AP YSR Vahana Mitra Application Form PDF

The government of Andhra Pradesh has launched the YSR Vahna Mitra Yojana for the citizens of the state. YSR Vahna Mitra Scheme has been launched by the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Mr. Jaganmohan Reddy for all taxis/auto drivers in …

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