Low Glycemic Index Foods List PDF

Low Glycemic Index Foods List PDF download link is available at the end of the post. Here See the complete list of Low Glycemic Food.

The glycemic index (GI) is a measurement used to measure how quickly a food raises your blood sugar levels after eating. This is a scale from 0 to 100. There come high GI foods and low GI foods. The food that we digest quickly are high GI foods like white bread, sugary drinks, candy, etc. and the food that we digest slowly are low GI foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables legumes, etc. Today in our article we will provide you Low Glycemic Index Foods List so that you can get information about Low Glycemic Index Foods.

Low Glycemic Index Foods List
Low Glycemic Index Foods List PDF

Low Glycemic Index Foods List

Here we are providing you a list of some common Indian foods with their GI value.

Foods with low GI value (between 40 and 55)

Food Group Food  Glycemic Index
Cereals Barley 28
Oatmeal 55
Bran 55
Quinoa 53
Corn 52
Peanuts 13
Spaghetti 46
Poha Low
Whole wheat 54
Daliya 55
Pulses Green gram 38
Black-eye peas (Lobia) 33
Chickpea (Chole) 28
Soybean 15
Kidney bean (Rajma) 29
Vegetables Ladyfinger 20
Green beans 32
Onion 10
Cabbage 0 – 10
Green peas 22
Radish 8
Brinjal 15
Cauliflower 10
Cucumber 15
Carrot 16
Broccoli 10
Peppers 15
Tomato < 15
Fruits  Apricots 34
Apple 36
Oranges 43
Dates 42
Strawberry 49
Grapefruit 25
Peaches 42
Kiwi 39
Prunes 29
Plum 40
Pears 30
Berries < 40
Pomegranate 18
Guava 12 (approx.)
Banana 51
Figs 51
Mango 51
Dairy products  Milk 39
Curd 28
Yoghourt 41
Paneer 27
Buttermilk 20 (approx.)
Others  Cheese 0 – 10
Walnuts 15
Almonds 0
Fish 0
Sunflower or pumpkin seeds 25
Meat 0
Eggs 0
Mutton 0
Chicken 0
Beef 0
Dark Chocolate 23
Milk chocolate 42

Foods with High GI value (70 and over)

Food Group Food Glycemic Index
Cereals White rice 73
Puffed rice 82
Bread 75
Instant oats 83
Jowar 77
Wheat 74
Refined flour (Maida) 71
Vegetables  White potato 78
Pumpkin 75
Fruits  Grapes 59
Watermelon 76
Muskmelon 65
Others  Jaggery 84.4
Cornflakes 93
Cookies 70 (approx.)

Low Glycemic Index Foods List PDF Download

Click on the link given below to download the Low Glycemic Index Foods List PDF.

Low Glycemic Index Foods List PDF

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